Climate activism: breaking new ground

On 22-25 April 2021, the COP26 Coalition will host From the Ground Up: Taking Action, our second global gathering for climate justice.

About this Event

From The Ground Up II: Taking Action will be a four day online gathering with 18 sessions dedicated to some of the key issues facing our movements today. The gathering will provide a space for activists and community members to discuss, plan and strategise about how to build a powerful, effective and inclusive climate justice movement.

This April we will bring together ordinary people from across the globe - from the ground up - to answer the question of how. How do we build power in our communities and workplaces for climate justice? How can we mobilise millions of people into taking action to stop fossil fuels extraction? How can we organise to win?

Sign up for your FREE ticket and to join movement debates, planning and skill shares. Each session will include interactive, participatory opportunities as well as dedicated workshops and presentations lead by activists.

Registration is required to attend the event:


  • The Climate Crisis is Racist

  • Strike While the Climate is Hot

  • Indigenous Struggles Today

  • Organising at Work to Save the World

  • We Demand Health Justice

  • Law, Litigation and Legal Support

  • Direct Action Gets the Goods

  • Leave it in the Ground: Energy, Mining Fossil Fuels

  • A Plan For Aviation

  • Food, Farming and Land Struggles

  • Disability Justice and the Climate Crisis

  • Scottish Independence and the Path to Climate Justice

  • Kick the Polluters Out of COP26

  • Mass Mobilisation Without the Mass: Ramping up Global Artivism in 2021


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Voices from the Dalit community